Thursday, July 3, 2008

The State of Blake

Blake had his July cardiology visit and his two month check up this week. Both went wonderfully. His doctors could not be more pleased with his progress and are just thrilled to see him doing so well. His heart is clear and his shunt from his first surgery is still providing plenty of circulation for him. He also weighed in at 8 lbs 9 oz. He is 21" long now. All of his measurements put him in the 5th percentile of full-term babies, so considering he was a 35-week preemie, that is quite a feat.

All this good news means that he is in good shape to have his surgery sooner rather than later. They are estimating he will have his second surgery in September. The reason for this is so he can have the healthiest possible anatomy before cold and flu season hits. Logically, we know this is great news, emotionally, I don't think we were quite ready to go back to the stress of hospitals and surgery. All this being said, we are just going to enjoy the next two months and try not to think about it too much. Thanks to everybody for keeping Blake in your prayers, it truly means the world to us.


natalie said...

Blake will come through with flying colors... he is already such a trooper! We are keeping you all in our thoughts.

ScottMcM said...

Way to go Blake! That is great news. When he gets ready to hit the town I know some twin girls he can hang out with.