Sunday, February 15, 2009


Today, I (Tiffany) ran my first half marathon.  I felt good for most of the run, but I must admit, the hill (that felt like it was about at 90 degrees) at mile 12 was my nemesis.  But, even it couldn't keep me down.  I don't know what the official results say, but my watch says I took 2 hours and 11 minutes to run 13.1 miles (I did stop my watch at my potty break), which means my pace was exactly 10 minutes/mile.

I am so grateful for Bryan, Mom, Mason, Blake, Natalie, Casey, Georgia, and Adele coming out to cheer me on.  They really lifted my spirit to see them on the side of the road.  As did my favorite sign on the side of the road, "Run like a fat kid for queso."  And, that is what I did - all the way to Maudie's for some post-race celebratory Diablo Sol Food - yum!

Who knows, maybe next year I'll work towards the full - or maybe, I will be a half kind of girl.  Only time will tell.


Sarah Caddell said...

Congrats Tiffany!

Frank Irwin said...

Way to go, neighbor!

I was wondering if you were training for it, when I saw you running both before I left for errands and when I came home. :-)

Janey Korth said...

YAY! Congrats! You did it! That is a great picture too!!

Melissa said...

That's awesome. Congrats!

Ben & Meg Harris said...

congrats tiffany!!
i had two friends running there with you :)