Monday, March 23, 2009

What a Weekend

On Friday, we took advantage of the free music for SXSW and took the kids to Auditorium Shores to hear Bob Schneider, Raul Malo, and the Arc Angels.  Despite the CRAZY line to get in the (public) park, we had a great time.  

Hanging at Auditorium Shores

We took the kids to the Austin Rodeo on Saturday. No matter how prepared for the scene I think I can, the people watching is overwhelming.   Mason has gotten on this kick of saying, "Check it out, man," and the rodeo was probably not the best place for her to be trying out her new saying, because every 5 steps she would point to some oddly dressed (or just odd in general) person, and yell this.  My job was to giggle on the inside and tell her pointing isn't nice.  The petting zoo was also a big deal at the rodeo.  This petting zoo consisted of goats, sheep, deer, and Shetland ponies.  Mason thought one of the ponies was a donkey (which she loves because of her deep love of Shrek), and she tried to go give it a kiss like she does Stanley.  Luckily I was able to intervene before lips actually touched gnarly, mangled animal, but she talked about her favorite "donkey" for the rest of the day nonetheless.

On Sunday we met the Seeboths at the new Mueller playground.  I have to say, they did an INCREDIBLE job on this development.  It is one of the coolest playgrounds I have ever seen (yes, Natalie and I were climbing and spinning and generally acting like we were 5).  In addition to really innovative playground equipment (in a completely gated area), there is also a lake, and park grounds completely surrounding it.  The girls (and Blake) had a fantastic time, and were note happy about leaving.  

Now here comes the part where I get mom of the year award... Mason's friend from school was having a birthday party, and I had been talking to Mason about it all weekend (she was very excited).  After her nap on Sunday, she wakes up and gets dressed and is super excited about going to the party.  We get in the car, drive to the party, there are no cars.  I look at the invitation again, that's right, the party was on Saturday.  I get out of the car and go explain to Mason that mommy made a mistake and that we missed the party and I was so, so sorry.  She cries, I feel worse.  Then I decide, we are at the birthday girl's house, at least Mason can give her the gift.  Mason goes up to her friend and says (I am not exaggerating here), "Happy birthday Samantha.  We missed the party, so sorry."  She continues to be devastated so I try to distract her by taking her to Phil's/Amy's for frozen yogurt and to play on the playground - distraction tactic a success!

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