Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Long time, no posts

We've had some busy times around the Galligan casa, so my apologies for the delayed postings. This past weekend Bryan and I went to Conroe for Jaime and Meredith Knight's wedding. We had a great time catching up with friends, and the kids had a great time with their Mimi and Paw Paw (and Auntie and Cory too).

Can you say sugar rush?

Super cheese!

Blake and his Mimi


Sweet boy

And in other news, Blake is slowly getting more brave with his walking. He is starting to walk 3-4 steps at a time before plopping on his bottom, or trying to do a belly flop. And let me tell you, he is so proud of himself when he does it!

So proud!

Finally, I just have to share some photos I got with the new awesome lens Mom and Dad got me for my birthday (I LOVE IT!)

Just want to kiss this face

I swear they are the same person

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