Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Galligans Take Cali

We're back from our California adventure. Although the game was a disappointment, we are proud of the Horns for playing with such heart and coming back so strong with our second string; makes us excited for next year. I will post all of our photos over to the left, but I had to share the highlight of our trip.

As we were leaving LA, we are in the impossible security line at LAX, I am taking my shoes off and I am turned around looking at Bryan. I do a double take, and whisper to Bryan, "Um, I'm, pretty sure that is VY behind you." He discreetly turns and tells me I'm wrong. Then I see his boarding pass, "Um, no, I'm pretty sure I'm not." Security finally makes him get off the phone before going through the metal detector, so of course I have to ask for a photo. VY responds, "Oh yeah baby, just give me a sec." Classic! Evidence below.

Vince is just slightly taller than the Galligans!


Kathryn Cam said...

That's awesome, Tiffany. Way to get the proof!

natalie said...