Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Lil Man's Heart

Blake went to the cardiologist today, and his heart looks great. All valves are open, no leaking, no fluid around the chest or lungs. His sats are holding about the same in the mid to low 80's (these have slowly been dropping since his surgery in 2008). The doc feels like he is still doing great, and is going to call Dr. Frasier to discuss when they want to schedule his third surgery, but likely the earliest it will be is next summer.

He was great at the doctor. He flirted with all the nurses (which promptly yielded him two lollipops). And he told Dr. Shapiro to turn off 'Cars' and to put on 'Toy Story' while he was getting the echo cardiogram on his heart because, "Buzz Lightyear is my favorite!"

1 comment:

The Ormsbys said...

i think uncle cory needs to dress up as Buzz for Turkey Day!!!