Sunday, September 27, 2009

Our Longhorn Adventure

Yesterday we attempted to take the kids to the Longhorns game. They have both been separately (when they were about 5 months old, respectively), but we have never attempted to take them together, and since they've been mobile. We knew it was a long shot, but the 97 degree temps didn't help. We didn't even last one drive until we sought the relief of the air conditioned end zone club.

Our sweet friend Amy (who works for the football office) came and gave us a great tour of the athletic facilities and coach Brown's office. Needless to say Bryan and I thought it was beyond cool, Mason thought the coolest thing was Coach Brown's fish (he has a real Nemo and Dory) and Blake thought the mounted Bevo was pretty fly. Thanks Amy for such a fun diversion!

That's a real Heiman and a real Lombardi, and something other award that I know is very cool, but I forget.

My desk is not nearly as cool as Coach Brown's!

Mason in Coach Brown's custom boots.

Blake on Coach Brown's saddle.

Getting some relief in the end zone club. We don't look hot do we?

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