Monday, October 5, 2009

Ch, Ch, Ch, Changes

We've been going through a number of changes in our house the past couple of days.

Blake got his ears checked today, and they look perfect, and his hearing has improved by a full 20 decibels since getting his tubes. Unfortunately he hasn't been really able to enjoy his pain-free ears since he's moved on to getting four teeth.

He also decided this past week would be the one where he started running, and specifically running away from you. He thinks he's pretty funny when he does it too!

And in other news, Mason has gone two nights in a row without wetting her pull up. Although she's been potty trained for a full year, she (just like Bryan) is such a heavy sleeper, she just wouldn't wake up to recognize that she needed to pee. This is a huge milestone for her.

And now for some photos...

My silly Superman

My silly Cinderella

And an even siller Mason Bear

Fun on the slides!

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