Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Big Weekend

It was an action-packed weekend for the Galligans.

Blake went to his first 'Horns game this weekend. He was such a trooper. He stayed (and was good) through the entire game, which is much more than I can say for his sister. The first game we took her to, she lasted one drive, and then she was over it!

Bryan and I ran/walked the Nike Human Race on Sunday. It was a 10K, and the same event was being held in cities all over the world. It was a great event, really well organized, and it didn't even feel like it was 100 degrees outside. After the race, we enjoyed a free show by Ben Harper in front of the Texas state capitol.

And Hollywood (AKA Mason) had lots of quality park time, a sleepover with her BFF Georgia, and and extra special ice cream treat with Mom before I left for Houston.

I guess we were trying to fit as much in as possible before we were trapped inside Texas Children's!

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