Monday, September 15, 2008

Well Weekend

I think they love each other

Cookies? What Cookies?

Chillin' at home

Every day Blake is feeling better, and you can see him returning to his old self. This surgery sent a lot more blood flow to his head than ever before, so generally these little guys have a headache for a couple of weeks while they are adjusting to the new pressure. Combine that with his chest hurting at the incision site, and we think a couple of new teeth coming in, and it's easy to see why he's been pretty crabby.

Mason had lots of fun with her friends and swimming in the pool this weekend. But, I think her favorite part of the weekend was making peanut butter cookies. She tends to prefer eating the dough before the cookies are done (what a girl)!

Luckily all of our family weathered Ike well. All were without power for at least a day (my parents are still without power), and there was plenty of tree damage and flooding, but luckily no structural damage and nobody was hurt. Here in Austin, we didn't even get one drop of rain from the storm, so there was a whole lot of hoopla for nothing.

I am so happy we were allowed to evacuate Houston and come home. All of the babies that were on our floor at TCH were moved out in the hallway, all surgeries were cancelled, and only one parent was allowed to stay with their child - our hearts really go out to all those families.

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