Monday, September 8, 2008

Recovery Day 3 - Huge Step Forward

Sleepy boy

No more hardware, wires, or tubes (just a few last monitors)

Update 2: Blake turned a corner tonight, and finally woke up from all of the drugs he was on (he slept from 11 am - 6:30 pm without eating, we were starting to get concerned).  He has woken twice, ate, and stayed awake for 30 min - 1 hour each time.  He's still sleepy, but at least we know those Galligan genes that love food are still there!

Update 1: Today has been a big day already.  This morning, Blake got his central IV (the one going to his heart) and his chest tubes removed; everything went beautifully and there was no bleeding.  We were able to hold him after everything was out.  He had some morphine so he wasn't in any pain for the tube/line removal, so he is still really sleepy.  

We also moved out of ICU and to the 15th floor.  15 is considered a transition floor, and the last big step before you are released to go home.  Bryan and I stay in here with him and are his primary caregivers once again, with the nurses available to support us.  We will be here for several days (maybe even a week), so that they can monitor him, adjust the dosages of the meds he will go home on, and administer medication for pain while his incision heals.

It is hard to believe that just three days ago he underwent open-heart surgery. It's truly remarkable how quickly these little guys heal.

1 comment:

Janey Korth said...

Tiff, I am so proud of your baby boy. He is such a fighter. And you and Bryan are very strong - we definitely know where Blake gets it from. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Much love!