Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Everyone Is Great!

I can't believe how long it has been since I've posted an update.  Life has been crazy in our house the past couple of weeks.  Since we have been home from the hospital Memaw (Tiffany's grandmother) has come and stayed with us for 10 days to help us take care of Blake.  I think he loved every minute of the extra cuddling and special care that only a grandmother can give.  Then Nonni (this is Mason's name for Tiffany's mother) came for three days to help with both of the kids while we took a break and went to the Austin City Limits (ACL) music festival.  So we have had a houseful, it was wonderful for everyone, but it sure is nice to go back to some sort of normal again.

The kids are awesome.  Blake is back to his old self and is better than ever.  Last Thursday, it really seemed like he turned a corner and decided he was just going to feel 100% better.  He is growing like crazy and just just a happy guy.  He is on a very regular schedule now which includes eating rice cereal twice a day and sleeping through the night (8:30 pm - 6 am), yeah!  He is trying so hard to roll over from back to front, we know he is going to get it any day.  He also has been tolerating being on his tummy again (we didn't try it for 3 weeks post surgery because of the potential pain in his chest), and is starting to lift his head up really well.  These small milestones are really great moments of celebrating Blake as a normal, developing baby.

Mason started in her new big kid class today.  They are really adventurous in this class, they go on a bus to gymnastics every Monday, and take field trips (her first one is to a pumpkin patch this month), and they will work with her to help with potty training (hallelujah!).  She also got a new pet fish named Nemo that she adores! Everyday she cant wait to feed Nemo, and she always sneaks away to go talk to him.

Aside from Bryan having a little bug that necessitates me keeping the kids away from him, we really couldn't be doing any better.

I promise to post pictures soon.

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

What a precious and strong little boy you have! Our Owen was born April 2nd with HLHS. He is scheduled to have the Glenn on Oct. 21st, and I found your blog by Googling the Glenn procedure. Thank you for sharing Blake's surgical journey; it's given me so much hope!
