Monday, October 13, 2008

Great News & A First

Having lunch with my Poppi

Waiting to see Dr. Shapiro - I was so good

BFFs at their first musical

Today was a great visit with Blake's cardiologist.  He was so impressed with how well Blake looks and even more with how he is developing.  Here's the lowdown...his oxygen saturations were ranging between 85-92 (wow!), he is 14 lbs. 12 oz., and 25 1/4 inches long.  He is starting to sit up really well (tripod pose & assisted), and he rolls over to one side and moves himself around in a circle.  He is also trying to hold his own bottle.  Now that he's 5 weeks out from his surgery, we can start pushing him to spend more time on his belly, which is his next big hurdle, in order to build upper body strength.

This weekend was Mason's first musical.  Natalie and I took Georgia and Mason to go see Seussical the Musical at the historic Paramount theatre.  The girls were entranced, and were so good.  They sat still for an hour (of a 75 minute performance).  So much fun to have a girls only event!


natalie said...

Great job, Blake! Such a big kid. And G hasn't stopped talking about seeing the Cat in the Hat with Mason!

Nancy Glenn said...

What fun going to a musical. I am sure you had such a great time.
Mason is such a big girl...she called me on the phone and sang "The Eyes of Texas" and I understood every word! And Blake is such a big boy! Our super baby shines again.
Nonni and Poppi miss you guys so much and can't wait to see you.